

Welcome to Dressed To Match. I’m Michelle and I coordinate my outfits to match pieces of art!

Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons


Here’s another example of a piece of art that I’ve wanted to match for a long time now! Ever since Jeff Koons’ sculpture, “Coloring Book” arrived in Sacramento at Golden 1 Center, I have had the colorful piece in the back of my mind when scouring the internet for something that matches its beautifully colored and mirrored surface. Thankfully the drama around the sculpture has finally cooled down. I personally do not mind it although I think a more iconic Koons would have been better suited for the space. Regardless, it is undoubtedly the most expensive piece of public art our city has so clearly it needed to make it on the blog!

I came across this painterly dress on Zaful.com and between the palette and its sheen, I was literally rejoicing when I came upon it a few weeks back!

A huge thanks to Shoka for doing the shoot for this article by Sacramento News & Review.

Visit The Scupture


Frank Stella

Frank Stella

Alexander Calder

Alexander Calder