

Welcome to Dressed To Match. I’m Michelle and I coordinate my outfits to match pieces of art!

Add Fuel

Add Fuel

So many murals / pieces of art to match, so little time! It only took me four months to do two matches with two of several new murals that were recently painted in August as a part of The Sacramento Mural Festival. As you might recall, the first one was a total bust (seen here) so I was really excited to make this one happen!

I mainly chose to match this specific mural because I pass it on my way to work everyday! It’s like a constant reminder that we have so much material for me to work with locally, so I’ve been keeping an eye out for the perfect outfit to wear with it. This specific section of the wall is located on the east wall of Faces Nightclub on K Street and was painted by Portuguese artist, Add Fuel (Diogo Machado). The corner section is actually part of a larger piece that was done by Nate Frizzell, which is minimally shown as the butterflies in my picture.


What I love most about the mural is the immediate patterning affect and the incredible likeness it has to tilework. The piece takes on a trompe l’oeil quality as it seems to peek through a “ripped” surface on the wall, adding vibrancy and richness to an otherwise mundane wall.

I chose to match the mural with this Hemant & Nandia dress, which is complete with fun tassels, the same ornate patterning, similar blue palette, and overall whimsy. Sometimes I shock myself with how well certain matches actually match… this one is no joke! 🙂 Oh! And that’s our gallery dog, Maggie, that I’m holding!

Visit The Mural


Devour Wall

Devour Wall

Jennifer Bartlett

Jennifer Bartlett