

Welcome to Dressed To Match. I’m Michelle and I coordinate my outfits to match pieces of art!

Jessie and Katey

Jessie and Katey

I’ve been insta-stalking Jessie and Katey on online ever since I heard they were coming to Sacramento for Wide Open Walls. If that sounds creepy, it probably is - ha! but I really love their work!

Their aesthetic is reminiscent of Frank Stella, whose work I’ve matched several times (see the matches here) and I have been really excited to see what they’ll add to Sacramento’s mural scene.

I stopped by this afternoon and was so happy meet them and check out their mural in progress. The palette is ridiculously great: peach, lilac, forrest green, ochre, clay amongst others. I’m so excited to see how the piece progresses! You know I’ll be returning to match it.

Meeting Jessie and Katey was the perfect example of why I love Dressed To match so much. Yes, I match things! But that’s not what it’s really about. Matching is my way of connecting to art, connecting with new people, and I’d like to think it has helped and inspired others to connect to art in new ways.

It probably sounds silly, but I feel strongly when I say that Dressed To Match has brought be out of my shell. I frequently mention that it challenges me to think outside the box, it exercises my creativity (and we know how much I love to exercise, ha!), and pushes to me to get uncomfortable. I’ve met so many new amazing people through Dressed To Match and it’s these connections that really make it fun!

For instance - the number of people who have used the #dressedtomatch hashtag on Instagram is astounding to me. You can literally find 8500 different posts that use it! (Side note, 1300 of them are mine, but STILL!). I’ve also had new followers tell me that while browsing in a museum they’ve had other visitors approach them to tell them they’re dressed to match and that they should check out my site! I mean, how cool is that?

By the way, I had no intention of matching today when I got dressed, but I guess it was meant to be because I somehow fit in with their palette!

Shop The match

Visit The Mural

John Pugh

John Pugh

The Hot Italian

The Hot Italian